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How do I change mission (scenario) in Arma Reforger?

In Arma Reforger, missions, also known as scenarios, determine the objectives, maps and game modes available. Missions offer a varied and rewarding game experience. However, the method for changing missions differs depending on whether you are playing solo or administering a multiplayer server.

Changing solo missions

For solo players, Arma Reforger offers several official scenarios that you can select directly from the game’s main menu. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Launch Arma Reforger and access the main menu.
  2. Select the “Scenarios” option.
  3. Browse the list of available missions and choose the one you want to play.
  4. Click on “Launch” to start the selected mission.

Changing missions on a multiplayer server

For Arma reforger server administrators, changing the mission requires a modification to the server configuration file. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Access the files on your server via your administration panel or FTP access.
  2. Locate the configuration file, usually named “config.json”.
  3. Open this file with a text editor.
  4. Look for the “scenarioId” parameter.
  5. Replace the current ID with that of the desired scenario. See the list of official scenarios and their corresponding IDs (below)
  6. Save the changes you have made to the “config.json” file.
  7. Restart your server to apply the changes.
Name of scenarioScenario ID
Conflict – Everon{ECC61978EDCC2B5A}Missions/23_Campaign.conf
Game Master – Everon{59AD59368755F41A}Missions/21_GM_Eden.conf
Game Master – Arland{2BBBE828037C6F4B}Missions/22_GM_Arland.conf
Conflict: St. Philippe & Morton{C700DB41F0C546E1}Missions/23_Campaign_NorthCentral.conf
Conflict: Morton & St. Pierre{28802845ADA64D52}Missions/23_Campaign_SWCoast.conf
Combat Ops: Arland{DAA03C6E6099D50F}Missions/24_CombatOps.conf
Conflict: Arland{C41618FD18E9D714}Missions/23_Campaign_Arland.conf

Important notes

  • Make sure that the scenario ID is entered correctly, including the {} braces.
  • Some missions require specific mods. Check that all the required mods are installed and activated on the server.
  • We recommend that you save a copy of your configuration file before making any changes.

Additional resources

For a visual demonstration of how to create and modify missions in Arma Reforger, see the following video:

By following these steps, you’ll be able to change missions in Arma Reforger and diversify your gaming experience. Enjoy the game!

Table des matières
