Just like any Source dedicated server, you can use convars (variables) to customise the parameters of your S&Box server (gmod 2).
To find the information you need to load a specific game and map, please visit asset.party.
Here is a list of some of the most useful convars:
: This convar sets the game mode on your server. For example, if you want to set the facepunch “sandbox” game mode, you would use:+gamemode "facepunch.sandbox".
: This convar is used to define the game map for your server. For example, to use the “construct” map from facepunch, you would write:+map "facepunch.construct".
: This convar defines the maximum number of players who can connect to your server simultaneously. For example, to set a limit of 8 players, you would use:+maxplayers 8
+hostname "My epic server"
: This convar is used to define the name of your server. For example, if you want your server to be called “My incredible server”, you would write:+hostname "My incredible server".
: This convar loads extensions or addons onto your server. Each extension is separated by a semicolon. For example, to load the extensions “gvar.admin_ball” and “gvar.sbox_radio” on your server, you would write:+extensions "gvar.admin_ball;gvar.sbox_radio".
▶ If you get an error indicating that engine.dll was not found when launching the server, you will probably need to install _CommonRedist/vcredist/2022/VC_redist.x64.exe
▶ If the command prompt closes instantly when running .bat, you most likely don’t have the .net runtime environment, you can get the required v7 version here: https: //dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/7.0
This information should help you configure and customize your S&box game server to provide a unique and entertaining experience for your players. 🚩 Don’t forget that you can create your S&Box server ultra easily with our personalised offer!